Interview | Emmie Rae of The Daily Rest
Talking to Emmie feels like being in the presence of a real-life goddess with her calm nature, ancient wisdom and glowing skin. A proponent of the deep importance of rest, Emmie is committed to creating space for her community to "take exquisite care" of themselves – either through her yoga teachings or Human Design readings.
If you’re not familiar with Human Design, I highly recommend researching your human design chart using your details including time of birth. I found out I'm a Manifestor and after looking into it, I’ve never related so strongly to a type of profiling. I reached out to The Daily Rest for a personalised reading and Emmie took me through an enlightening session outlining strategies to live in and by my design. I’ve since had a follow up FaceTime session and I have another booked next month. Obsessed, to say the least.
Her work and the learnings she passes on around Human Design have had a huge impact on my life generally, and the poetic lines of wisdom she shares on social media are little pieces of pause in my day to slow down and reflect.
Follow her here and book a reading for yourself, or a loved one! If you do one of her deeply relaxing regenerative yoga classes, don't forget your SAINT silk scrunchie.

Tell me a little bit about yourself?
My real intention with my work is attempting to dispel the myth that the path to health, happiness and success looks the same for everyone. What I know deeply, is there is no one size fits all and we are all here to move through the world in completely unique ways. I facilitate this through human design readings, workshops and courses. I also teach a lot of yoga – specifically practices to restore and rebalance the nervous system, cause it’s hard to live and create your dream life when you feel like shit :)
What are you enjoying listening to at the moment?
There’s always music on at home, and I spend way too much time searching for and creating the perfect playlists. Usually it’s a mix of everything – hip hop, pop, R&B and jazz – followed by a lot of kundalini mantra.
What’s on your bookshelf?
It’s impossible to choose! A few favourites: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The Magdalen Manuscript by Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion. Slouching Toward Bethlehem by Joan Didion. Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra. Breasts and Eggs by Meiko Kawakami. A Daibo Coffee Manual by Katsuji Daibo.
How would you describe your personal style? What’s your daily uniform?
It’s changeable, but as the weather cools down in Sydney I’m living in a pair of off-white organic cotton boyfriend jeans and a cream cotton knit jumper with fine gold jewellery. Wearing white is truly a practice, and for now, I’m into it.
What are the longest standing pieces in your wardrobe?
About six years ago I went through a huge life change (and discovered Marie Kondo) so I let go of most of my material possessions. All that survives from then is an off-white Hanes waffle thermal I bought in a department store in Kyoto with my friend Kasumi. I’m wearing it right now even though it’s holding on by a thread. It's seen me through a lot, and I can’t seem to find the exact same one anywhere else.
A favourite piece in your space?
A Menuspace lamp I carry from room to room like child. A cream Le Creuset that was on my wishlist for probably about ten years and Kyojiman incense from Shoyeido – both the recipe and the business are ancient and otherworldly.
What’s on your wishlist?
Cliche, but travel! I’m incredibly grateful being in Sydney during this time, but my heart aches for my second homes and friends (and food!) around the world. Okay and a Noguchi lamp ;)
Signature dish/what are you currently cooking?
The miso lemon potatoes from Golubka Kitchen served with super crisp cos lettuce are always a crowd pleaser. Autumn means Kimchi Jjigae on high rotation for lunch. Fried tofu tacos with slaw and quick-pickled onions for dinner are an always favourite.
When do you feel most yourself?
Post yoga / meditation practice, listening to music in the sun, writing or reading and drinking a huge coffee.